Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ramblings to a so called best find...

How can you claim to be my best frind and then have no time for me or put in no effort into the friendship. We were so close for so long until you used me and betrayed me after i confided in you that i have trust issues. But i forgave you, i decided that our friendship was worth more and important enough to invest time and effort into. Why cant you? Your the one who used me as a cover to sneak around behind your mans back with me knowing!! Your the one who decided to tell your man my secrets just to keep him!!! And im the idiot who forgave and took you back into my life..... Why cant you put the same amount of effort in that i do? Am i know longer as important to you? Why do you introduce me to people as your best friend and then ignore me for most of the night. Only do you come back to me after everyone else has left. Have you always been this way? Have i just been blind to it? Did my lack of self confidence at the begining of our friendship result in you treating me this way? Maybe forgiving you wasn't the best choice for me? Did i make a mistake. Have our 12 yrs of friendship meant nothing? I need to re-assess your place in my life and how much time i now devote to you.

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